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Puzzle Types


Crossword Puzzle Maker

Make two styles of crossword puzzles! The free-form, or criss-cross style uses only your words. Perfect for educational purposes. Try the demo now!

The publication style you often see in newspapers mixes some of your words with a high quality database to create a high quality themed crossword puzzle.

Print from the program itself, or export to other Windows programs to use in newsletters or other publications.

Make your own puzzles now and see just how great this program is!

Word Search Puzzle Maker

Quickly create four different kinds of word search puzzles:

  • Standard word search
  • Word search with clues
  • Word search with hidden message
  • Word search with clues and hidden message

You control the difficulty level yourself with several different options. Choose from eight different directions the words can be placed in. Choose from five different letter sharing options that let you control if the words overlap each other.

Print from the program itself or export to other Windows programs.

If you print from the program, you can easily add work sheet information. You can also make multiple puzzles from the same word list so everyone gets a different puzzle.

Or you can easily export to any Windows Program and add borders and clip art, or put your puzzle into a newsletter or other publication.

Make your own puzzles now and see for yourself just how great this program is!


Free Cryptogram Maker

Test your students to see if they really know their stuff!

Place a phrase, sentence, poem, or other item your students are supposed to be memorizing into the cryptogram maker and it will turn it into a coded message. The students will need to break the code in order to figure out what the message is.

Want to make it a little easier? Simply solve one or two of the words to get them started.

Below is shown a sample puzzle party of the Gettysburg Address. Two of the words are solved, and then you copy the answers you know through the puzzle. This one has been started to show what it looks like.

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